郭孟怡、 謝榮峯,「Insight into the Processing, Gelation and Functional Components of Tofu A Review」
郭孟怡、 呂君萍,「Combination of ultrasound and heat in the extraction of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) mucilage: impact on yield and technological properties」
郭孟怡,「Effect of whole chia seed flour on gelling properties, microstructure and texture modification of tofu」
,LWT - Food Science and Technology,<154>卷,<2022>期(2021-10-23):112676(SCI)
郭孟怡,「Drying Applications during Value-Added Sustainable Processing for Selected Mass-Produced Food Coproducts」
郭孟怡,「Effect of Loading on Wheat Germ Drying in a Batch Fluidized Bed for Industrial Production」
郭孟怡,「Effect of Loading on Wheat Germ Drying in a Batch Fluidized Bed for Industrial Production」
郭孟怡,「Wheat Germ Drying with Different Time-Temperature Combinations in a Fluidized Bed Dryer」
郭孟怡、 Der-Sheng Chan、 Jun-Sheng Chan,「Modelling condensation and simulation for wheat germ drying in fluidized bed dryer」
Der-Sheng Chan、 Jun-Sheng Chan、 Meng-I Kuo,「Modelling condensation and simulation for wheat germ drying in fluidized bed dryer」
車微純、 郭孟怡、 劉燦宏、 蔡園菁,「市售增稠劑在花蜜狀和蜂蜜狀的濃稠度調查及在時間下的變化」
Shen YR、 Kuo MI,「Effects of different carrageenan types on the rheological and water holding properties of tofu」
,LWT-Food Science and Technology,<78>卷(2017-01-01):122-128(SCI)
Lin HF、 Lu CP、 Hsieh JF、 Kuo MI,「Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the rheological property and microstructure of tofu made from different soybean cultivars」
,Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,<37>卷,<10>期(2016-08-20):98-105(SCI)
Chen SY、 Kuo MI,「Physicochemical and functional properties of Chinese soft-shell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) egg」
,Food Research International,<85>卷(2016-04-19):36-43(SCI)
Hsiao YH、 Lu CP、 Kuo MI、 Hsieh JF,「Coacervation of b-conglycinin, glycinin and isoflavones induced by propylene glycol alginate in heated soymilk」
,Food Chemistry,<200>卷(2016-02-01):55-61(SCI)
吳秉勳、 陳政雄、 郭士逢、 郭孟怡,「不同烹調方式對三品系雜交豬與盤克夏豬之豬肉品質影響」
Huang YC、 Kuo MI,「Rjeological characteristics and gelation of tofu made from ultra-high-pressure homogenized soymilk」
,Journal of Texture Studies,<36>卷(2015-10-04):335-344(SCI)
Liu HH、 Kuo MI,「Ultra high pressure homogenization effect on the proteins in soy flour」
,Food Hydrocollooids,<52>卷(2015-09-01):741-748(SCI)
葉承叡、 吳秉勳、 郭士逢、 曾柏諺、 郭孟怡,「長時間烹煮對盤克夏豬與三品系雜交豬豬肉品質之影響」
沈盈如、 郭孟怡,「硫酸鈣豆腐於儲存過程中蛋白質和水分子狀態及質地特性之變化」
李烱源、 郭孟怡,「聚麩胺酸與儲存對豆腐理化特性的影響」
劉曉卉、 郭孟怡,「豆腐新製程--全豆豆粉經超高壓均質的應用」
吳及仕、 張嘉宏、 黃耀主、 鄭統隆、 郭孟怡,「利用單管住高效能分子篩層析區分稻米品質之理化特性」
Chen WA、 Chiu CP、 Cheng WC、 Hsu CK、 Kuo MI,「Total Polar Compounds and Acid Values of Repeatedly Used Frying Oils from Diverse Foods」
,Journal of Food and Drug Analysis,<21>卷,<1>期(2013-03-01):58-65(SCI)
Liu HH、 Chien JT、 Kuo MI,「Ultra high pressure homogenized soy flour for tofu making」
,Food Hydrocolloids,<32>卷(2013-02-01):278-285(SCI)
劉曉卉、 黃耀主、 郭孟怡,「不同豆腐種類的質地與微結構之比較」
黃耀主、 曾仁佑、 沈敏柔、 鄭統隆、 郭孟怡,「羥丙基化澱粉對米麵包開發之效用」
Lee CY、 Kuo MI,「Effect of gamma-polyglutamate on the rheological properties and microstructure of tofu」
,Food Hydrocolloids (IF:2.659),<25>卷,<5>期(2011-07-01):1034-1040(SCI)
黃耀主、 鄭統隆、 曾東海、 郭孟怡,「台農67號化學誘變糯稻品系穀粉與澱粉之理化特性」
Liu HH、 Kuo MI,「Effect of microwave heating on the viscoelastic property and microstructure of soy protein isolate gel」
,Journal of Texture Studies (IF: 0.593),<42>卷(2011-02-01):1-9(SCI)
黃日青、 李烱源、 丘志威、 郭孟怡,「聚麩胺酸與儲存對豆腐異黃酮安定性的影響」
Kuo MI、 Gunasekaran S,「Effect of Freezing and Frozen Storage on Microstructure of Mozzarella and Pizza Cheeses」
,LWT - Food Science and Technology (IF: 2.292),<42>卷(2008-09-01):9-16(SCI)
Wang YJ、 Kuo MI、 Wang L、 Patindol J,「Chemical composition and structure of granule periphery and envelope remnant of rice starches as revealed by chemical surface gelatinization 」
,Starch/Starke (IF: 1.261),<59>卷(2007-10-01):445-453(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Wang YJ,「Note: effects of urea concentration on thermal and rheological properties of rice starches.」
, Cereal Chem,<83>卷(2006-05-01):478-481(SCI)
Patindo J 、 Flowers A 、 Kuo MI 、 Wang YJ、 Gealy D ,「Comparison of physicochemical properties and starch structure of red rice and cultivated rice.」
,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,<54>卷(2006-03-01):2712-2718(SCI)
Yang K、 Wang YJ、 Kuo MI,「Effects of substrate pretreatment and water activity on lipase-catalyzed cellulose acetylation in organic media.」
,Biotechnology Progress,<20>卷(2004-06-01):1053-1061(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Anderson ME、 Gunasekaran S,「Determining effects of freezing on pasta filata and non-pasta filata Mozzarella cheeses by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.」
,Journal of Dairy Sicence,<86>卷(2003-12-01):2525-2536(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Gunasekaran S,「Effect of frozen storage on physical properties of pasta filata and non-pasta filata Mozzarella cheeses.」
,Journal of Dairy Sicence,<86>卷(2003-05-01):1108-1117(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Gunasekaran S、 Johnson M、 Chen C,「Nuclear magnetic resonance study of water mobility in Pasta Filata and non-Pasta Filata Mozzarella.」
,Journal of Dairy Sicence,<84>卷(2001-10-01):1950-1958(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Wang YC、 Gunasekaran S、 Olson NF,「Effect of heat treatments on the meltability of cheeses」
,Journal of Dairy Sicence,<84>卷(2001-10-01):1937-1943(SCI)
Kuo MI、 Wang YC、 Gunasekaran S,「A viscoelasticity index for cheese meltability evaluation.」
,Journal of Dairy Sicence,<83>卷(2000-02-01):412-417(SCI)
郭孟怡、 Chen、 T.-Y.、 Chan、 D.-S.,「Effects of microwave heating and grain moisture on the popping quality of sorghum」
,4th International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF 2020) ,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-11-06~2020-11-06
郭孟怡,「Effect of high pressure homogenization on the particle size and stability of soft-shell turtle egg stabilized emulsion system.」
,4th International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF 2020),New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-11-06~2020-11-06
郭孟怡,「Effect of ultrasound-assisted extraction on the physicochemical property of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) mucilage and its interaction with different proteins.」
,4th International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF 2020),New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-11-06~2020-11-06
郭孟怡、 張修瑜,「不同分子量蛋白質與配方對乳化系統物理特性之影響(A036)」
郭孟怡,「Effects of rice varieties and fluidized bed coating with hydrocolloids on the physicochemical properties of puffed rice」
,2019 IFT Meeting & Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2019-06-02~2019-06-05
郭孟怡,「A novel hydrocolloid: extraction, functional and rheological properties of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) mucilage」
,IFT Meeting & Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2019-06-02~2019-06-05
郭孟怡,「Effects of High Pressure Processing and Sous-Vide Cooking on the Texture and Color of Pork Loin」
,IFT Meeting & Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2019-06-02~2019-06-05
郭孟怡,「Effects of soft-shell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) egg concentration, formulation, and high pressure homogenization on the physical and rheological properties of oil-in-water emulsion system」
,IFT Meeting & Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2019-06-02~2019-06-05
郭孟怡,「Preparation of chia seed emulsion powder and its application on the juices with different solid content」
,IFT Meeting & Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2019-06-02~2019-06-05
郭孟怡,「Effects of micronization, drying, and deep sea water on the physicochemical and rheological property of whole bean tofu」
,32 nd EFFoST International Conference 2018,Nantes,法國(France),2018-11-06~2018-11-08
郭孟怡,「Investigation on the effects of roasting and fluidized bed coating on the physicochemical properties and storage stability of wheat germ」
,IFT18 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2018-07-15~2018-07-18
郭孟怡,「Phase behavior of Chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) mucilage/food protein mixtures」
,14th International Hydrocolloids Conference,中國江西省南昌市,2018-05-21~2018-05-25
郭孟怡,「Phase behavior of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) mucilage/food protein mixtures」
,14th International Hydrocolloids Conference,Nanchang,大陸地區(Mainland China),2018-05-21~2018-05-24
郭孟怡,「Phase diagram and stability of emulsion system prepared with Chinese soft shell turtle (Plodiscus sinensis) egg」
,14th International Hydrocolloids Conference,Nanchang,大陸地區(Mainland China),2018-05-21~2018-05-24
郭孟怡,「Effect of chia seed on the rheological property and water-holding capacity of tofu」
,14th International Hydrocolloids Conference,Nanchang,大陸地區(Mainland China),2018-05-21~2018-05-24
郭孟怡,「Texture classification of two-color multigrain rice by grain pre-treatment combining sous-vide cooking」
,14th International Hydrocolloids Conference,Nanchang,大陸地區(Mainland China),2018-05-20~2018-05-24
郭孟怡,「Mathematical model and optimal analysis of wheat germ drying using fluidized bed dryer」
,2017 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Las Vegas,美國(United States of America),2017-06-25~2017-06-28
郭孟怡,「Investigation of the preparation of fully-utilized egg powder by using fluidized bed coating process and it's physicochemical properties」
,2017 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Las Vegas,美國(United States of America),2017-06-25~2017-06-28
Hung JM、 Lu CP、 Kuo MI,「Effect of drying condition on the wheat germ stability using fluidized-bed dryer」
,ICFSF 2017 International Cenference on Food Structure and Functionality,Singapore,新加坡(Singapore),2017-01-08~2017-01-09
Chan JS、 Liu CP、 Chan DS、 Kuo MI,「Dehydration and absorption behavior of wheat germ in a vertical batch fluidized bed」
,2016 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2016-07-16~2016-07-19
Chang JS、 Chang DS、 Kuo MI,「Mathematical model and simulation of wheat germ drying experiments in fluidized bed」
,2016 ISMAB,新潟,日本(Japan),2016-05-23~2016-05-25
Wang YH、 Kuo MI,「Investigation of the rice protein recovery and physicochemical properties」
,2015 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicaogo,美國(United States of America),2015-07-22
Yuan MC、 Kuo MI,「The physicochemical preperties of rice bran extracts with ultrasonic treatment」
,18th Gums & Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference,Wrexham,英國(United Kingdom),2015-06-23~2015-06-26
Chen SY、 Kuo MC、 Kuo MI,「Investigation on the physicochemical properties of soft-shell turtle egg and its egg yolk fractionations」
,12th International Hydrocolloid Conference,Taipei,中華民國(R.O.C),2014-05-05~2014-05-09
Liu HH、 Cui SW、 Kuo MI,「Investigation of carbohydrates and dietary fiber characteristics in soy flour after ultra pressure homogenization」
,12th International Hydrocolloids Conference,Taipei,中華民國(R.O.C),2014-05-05~2014-05-09
Lin HF、 Kuo MI,「Effect of ultrasounic treatment on the gelation of tofu made from yellow and black soybeans」
,12th International Hydrocolloid Conference,Taipei,中華民國(R.O.C),2014-05-05~2014-05-09
Lai IC、 Lin YS、 Jeng TL、 Kuo MI,「Effect of carrageenan on the gelation of rice protein isolates」
,2013 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2013-07-13
Wu PH、 Chen S、 Guo SF、 King Y、 Kuo MI,「Quality evaluation of pork using texture analyzer with different probes」
,2013 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2013-07-13
Wang YH、 Jeng TL、 Kuo MI,「Effect of Drying Technique on The Steady Shear Rheological Property of Purple Sweet Potato Flour Dispersion」
,2013 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2013-07-13
Liu HH、 SW Cui、 Kuo MI,「Changes in protein functional properties by ultra high pressure homogenization of soy flour」
,16th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference,Wrexham,英國(United Kingdom),2013-06-25
Yao CE、 Cheng WC、 Tsia SJ、 Hsu CK、 Kuo MI,「Investigate the total polar compounds in used frying oil from restaurants and vendors in Taiwan」
,2012 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Las Vegas,美國(United States of America),2012-06-25
Liu HH、 Kuo MI,「Ultra-high pressure homogenization effects on the gelation mechanism of soy protein isolate」
,2012 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Las Vegas,美國(United States of America),2012-06-24
Tseng PY、 Chen BH、 Tsai SJ、 Hsu CK、 Cheng WC、 Chiu CP、 Kuo MI,「Correlation of official analysis and rapid test of total polar compounds in used oils from local restaurants 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Wu CS、 Hsu CY、 Jeng TL、 Kuo MI,「Effect of micronization on the physicochemical properties of black rice flour 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
See CZ、 Kuo MI,「Recovery of rice protein during starch isolation and its functional properties 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Lai IC、 Kuo MI,「Functional properties of ball-milled rice bran 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Yu HT、 Lin YS、 Kuo MI,「Preparation of sugar-free cookies with different cereal grains and its rheological and textural properties 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Liu HH、 Kuo MI,「Effect of high-pressure homogenization on the functional properties and subunit distribution of soy protein in whole-soybean system 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orleans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Chen WA、 Chiu CP、 Hsu CK、 Cheng WC、 Chen BH、 Tsai SJ、 Kuo MI,「The total polar compounds and acid value of oils from repeated frying of diverse foods 」
,2011 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo,New Orelans,美國(United States of America),2011-06-11~2011-06-14
Yao C、 Huang Y、 Kuo MI,「Effect of ball milling on the functional properties of rice flour」
,2010 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2010-07-17~2010-07-20
Chan S、 Jeng T、 Tseng T、 Kuo MI,「Investigate the physicochemical and functional properties of rice mutant bran with different particle sizes」
,2010 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2010-07-17~2010-07-20
Chang C、 Jeng T、 Tseng T、 Kuo MI,「Physicochemical properties of high amylose rice mutants 」
,2010 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2010-07-17~2010-07-20
Su W、 Jeng T、 Kuo MI,「Effect of high-pressure homogenization on the microstructure and antioxidant activity of purple sweet potato flour」
,2010 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2010-07-17~2010-07-20
Huang Y、 Kuo MI,「Microstructure of tofu made by high-pressure homogenized soymilk」
,2010 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2010-07-17~2010-07-20
Wang JW 、 Tsai JJ、 Kuo MI,「Preparation of cross-linked cationic modified starch」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anahiem,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Lam I、 Jeng TL、 Kuo MI,「Investigate the physicochemical proterties of black rice mutants in Taiwan」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anahiem,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Hung YC、 Kuo MI,「Homogenize-induced denaturation of soymilk for tofu making」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anahiem,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Wu CS、 Chen YM、 Tsai TY、 Kuo MI,「The rheological properties of exopolysaccharides produced by lactic acid bacteria」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anaheim,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Liu SH、 Kuo MI,「Ultra high pressure homogenization treated soy flour for tofu making」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anaheim,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Su WT、 Jeng TL、 Kuo MI,「Effect of heat treatment on the physicochemical properties of purple sweet potato in Taiwan」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anaheim,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Hung Y、 Shen M、 Jeng TL、 Tseng J、 Kuo MI,「Different way rice culltivars for preparation of gummy bread」
,2009 IFT Annual Meeting,Anaheim,美國(United States of America),2009-06-06
Kuo MI、 Wang YJ,「Influences of amylopectin structure, shear stress, and urea on the rheological properties of starch」
,2008 AACC International Annual Meeting,Hawaii,美國(United States of America),2008-09-21
Wang JW、 Tsai JJ、 Kuo MI,「Effect of urea on the physicochemical properties of cross-linked starch」
,2008 AACC International Annual Meeting,Hawaii,美國(United States of America),2008-09-21
Liao LW、 Kuo MI、 Wang Y,「Granule ghost structure of sweet potato starch as affected by heating time and temperature」
,2008 AACC International Annual Meeting,Hawaii,美國(United States of America),2008-09-21
沈盈如、 郭孟怡,「不同型態及濃度的紅藻膠對硫酸鈣豆腐流變特性及微結構的影響」
蘇瑋婷、 郭孟怡,「不同儲藏條件對台灣米製麵食微結構及流變特性之影響」
Cameron DK、 Kuo MI、 Wang YJ、 Campbell M,「Swelling properties of waxy corn mutant starches」
,2007 AACC International Annual Meeting,San Antonio,美國(United States of America),2007-10-07~2007-10-10
Lee CY、 Kuo MI,「Characteristics of water in tofu and its implications on tofu structure and texture」
,IFT 2007 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2007-07-29
Wang SH、 Kuo MI、 Wang YJ,「Fine structure of granule ghost with respect to starch swelling and gelatinization」
,IFT 2007 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2007-07-29
Liu SH、 Kuo MI,「Effects of microwave and ultrasonic treatments on tofu making」
,IFT 2007 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2007-07-29
Huang YC、 Kuo MI,「Microstructure and rheology if tofu」
,IFT 2007 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,Chicago,美國(United States of America),2007-07-29
Wang YJ、 Kuo MI、 Wang L,「Structure responsible for swelling and granule integrity of rice starch as revealed by surface chemical gelatinization」
,2005 AACC International Annual Meeting,Orlando,美國(United States of America),2005-09-11~2005-09-14
Wang YJ、 Kuo MI、 Landerito N,「Effects of protein matrix on starch grlatinization in corn and rice grits」
,2005 AACC International Annual Meeting,Orlando,美國(United States of America),2005-09-11~2005-09-14
Kuo MI、 Wang YC,「Effect of urea on the thermal and rheological properties of rice starches」
,AACC/TIA Joint Meeting,San Diego,美國(United States of America),2004-09-19~2004-09-22
Kuo MI、 Wang YJ、 He H,「Effect of particle size on physicochemical properties of rice grits.」
,IFT 2004 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,美國(United States of America),2004-07-25
Kuo MI、 Flowers A、 Wang YJ,「Comparison of physicochemical properties in red rice and indica rice samples.」
,IFT 2004 Annual Meeting & Food Expo,美國(United States of America),2004-07-25
郭孟怡,「研究油凝膠與台灣在地栽種油籽製備植物性健康抹醬之結晶動力學和儲存安定性: 流變與熱量分析」,2022-08-01~2023-07-31,111-2221-E-030-001
郭孟怡,「動態與穩態剪切流變研究甲魚(中華鱉)蛋與高壓均質加工製備不同粒徑 乳化系統之結構與應用(3/3)」,2020-08-01~2021-07-31,MOST 107-2221-E-030 -005 -MY3
郭孟怡,「顆粒狀糊精量產製備與應用」,2019-11-01~2020-10-31,MOST 108-2622-E-126-001 -CC2
郭孟怡,「動態與穩態剪切流變研究甲魚(中華鱉)蛋與高壓均質加工製備不同粒徑乳化系統之結構與應用(2/3)」,2019-08-01~2020-07-31,MOST 107-2221-E-030 -005 -MY3
郭孟怡,「食在幸福的高齡健康飲食新對策(第二年及第三年)--食在幸福的高齡健康飲食新對策(第二年及第三年)(2/2)」,2019-05-01~2020-04-30,MOST 108-2321-B-030-001 -
羅慧珍、 郭孟怡、 謝榮峯、 呂君萍、 陳邦元,「食在幸福的高齡健康飲食新對策」,2018-05-01~2019-04-30
羅慧珍、 郭孟怡、 謝榮峯、 呂君萍、 陳邦元,「食在幸福的高齡健康飲食新對策」,2017-05-01~2018-04-30,MOST 106-2321-B-030-001 -
郭孟怡、 鄭統隆,「物理性加工對米蛋白質理化和流變特性的影響之研究 」,2013-08-01~2014-07-31,102-2221-E-030 -008
郭孟怡、 呂君萍,「建立小麥胚芽及米糠之酵素活性與儲存安定性評估平台」,品元實業股份有限公司,2015-10-01~2017-03-31
郭孟怡,「Process cheese原料、製程及產品品管建立」,豐盈股份有限公司,2013-08-01~2014-01-31
郭孟怡、 陳炳輝、 丘志威,「以風險分析基礎為架構探討油炸油中總極性物質之危害風險」,行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局,2010-09-08~2010-12-15
郭孟怡、 鄭統隆,「具特殊功能性之水稻突變體於食品產業之應用」,行政院農委會,2008-01-01~2008-12-31
丘志威、 張正明、 汪復進、 鄭聰旭、 郭孟怡,「95年度桃園縣名產大溪豆干衛生安全輔導計畫」,桃園縣政府衛生局,2006-03-15~2006-12-15
郭孟怡、 鄭統龍,「水稻突變庫篩選和確認具備特殊功能性澱粉的水稻品種」,行政院農委會,2006-01-01~2006-12-31
郭孟怡,「Interaction between starch molecules with respect to starch swelling restriction」,輔仁大學,2005-02-01~2006-01-31
,「Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing」,Elsevier,104
,「Among 2011's Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles from the Journal of Texture Studies」,John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,101