• 顧孝永,「The Establishment of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Peking as an Example of a Long-Term Cooperation between the State and the Church: A Historical Review」 ,Nurt SVD,<152 (2022)>卷,<1>期(2023-03-01):75-87(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「The Role of Chinese Family in the Spread of Christianity in the Seventeenth-Century China. The Xu Family of Shanghai as an Example」 ,Studia Warmińskie,<59 (2022)>卷,<1>期(2022-12-01):261-270(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「Catholic, Nestorian, and Muslim Medieval Travelers between East and West: The Role of Religion in the Perception of their Own and Others’ Cultural Background」 ,Lumen,<8>卷,<1-2>期(2022-09-06):137-149(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「Encounter of Jesuit Missionaries of 17 and 18 Centuries with Tibet and Its Religion」 ,UNIVERSITAS-Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 哲學與文化,<第四十九卷>卷,<第六期>期(2022-06-15):3-22(A&HCI)
  • Piotr Adamek,「Tragedy and Hope for Happiness. Stories from the Girl Temples」 ,Religions & Christianity in Today’s China,<Vol. XII, 2022>卷,<No. 1>期(2022-05-01):44-56(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「波蘭傳教士與中華文化」 ,天主教周報,<626>卷,<626>期(2021-01-24):21(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「Ewige Migrantenkirche? 125 Jahre orthodoxe Mission in Taiwan」 ,China heute,<39>卷,<4>期(2020-12-23):218-225(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「Roman Malek, SVD (1951-2019)」 ,Anthropos,<115>卷,<115>期(2020-12-08):181-184(Scopus)
  • 顧孝永,「Koncept pustej przestrzeni」 ,Tygodnik Powszechny,<43>卷,<3720>期(2020-10-25):38-40(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「W drodze od wspaniałego wczoraj do pełnego nadziei jutra. Kościół prawosławny w Chinach」 ,Chiny Dzisiaj,<2>卷,<2>期(2020-08-15):45-49(Others)
  • 顧孝永,「Auf dem Weg vom prachtvollen Gestern in ein hoffnungsvolles Morgen: Die orthodoxe Kirche in Harbin」 ,China heute,<37>卷,<2>期(2018):118-121(Others)

  • 顧孝永,「Sinologe von drei Kontinenten. P. Heinrich Busch und sein Monumenta Serica」 ,2024 Internationales Forum Kultur und Religion,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2024-04-10~2024-04-10
  • 顧孝永,「Catholic martyrs in China」 ,Być świętym to najpierw być człowiekiem,Warsaw,波蘭(Poland),2024-03-01~2024-03-01
  • 顧孝永,「Catholic Studies in Taiwan」 ,Christian Studies in Asia: China, Taiwan, Timor… Theoretical & Methodological Issues,Taipei,中華民國(R.O.C),2024-01-24~2024-01-24
  • 顧孝永,「Divine Word Missionaries」 ,You renew the face of the earth: The Contribution of Catholic Religious Communities to Taiwanese Society” 你使地面,更新復興: 天主教修會對台灣社會的貢獻,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2023-12-27~2023-12-27
  • 顧孝永,「A Catholic Dutch Missionary, who Became a Goddess. Mapping Historical Facts and Religious Experience at the Temple of the Mother of Goodness in Taoyuan」 ,The Many Faces of Christianity in China: Navigating Sino-Christian Studies,Lublin,波蘭(Poland),2023-08-02~2023-08-05
  • 顧孝永,「以西方人為神? 初探台灣民間信仰中的歐洲人」 ,2023華裔學志論壇,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2023-06-09~2023-06-09
  • 顧孝永,「Dailai hao xiaoxi: Shengyanhui zai Taiwan 帶來好消息 聖言會在台灣」 ,Symposium of the Verbiest Foundation “Braving the Red Sea - the Transitional Period of Taiwan’s Catholic Evangelization” 勇渡紅海: 天主教在台傳教轉型期,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2022-11-19~2022-11-19
  • 顧孝永,「Doctors of the body and soul: Haass Tradition of Healing through Humanity」 ,International Conference “Encountering Terrain of Healing : Religious landscape, healing and society”「療遇之境-宗教地景、療癒與社會」國際學術研討會,New Taipei Cty,中華民國(R.O.C),2022-11-11~2022-11-12
  • 顧孝永,「Comparing Orthodox Bible Translations into Chinese: From Gurij Karpov to Innokentij」 ,International Conference of Monumenta Serica: “Shengjing” yu quanshixue: chuanjiaoshi, pingxintu yu “Shengjing” de yijie 《聖經》與詮釋學:傳教士、平信徒與《聖經》的譯介,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2022-09-21~2022-09-22
  • 顧孝永,「Ghost Marriage Ritual in Taiwan as a Way of Healing Family Relationships」 ,the VIth International Symposium of Familiology,Olsztyn,波蘭(Poland),2022-05-12~2022-05-13
  • 顧孝永,「The impact of the Roman and Eastern Catholics in Harbin in the first half of the 20th century」 ,14th International Verbiest Conference Leuven on Christianity in China,Leuven,比利時(Belgium),2021-08-25~2021-08-25
  • 顧孝永,「Encounter of Jesuit Missionaries of 17 and 18 centuries with Tibet And Its Religion」 ,International Symposium of Monumenta Serica: Encounter of Christianity and Multi-ethnic Groups: Classics, History, Religion and Images,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2021-06-18~2021-06-18
  • 顧孝永,「• The Role of Chinese Family in the Spread of Christianity in the Seventeenth-Century China. The Xu Family of Shanghai as an Example」 ,5th International Symposium of Familiology “Family – Politics – Globalization”,Olsztyn,波蘭(Poland),2021-05-13~2021-05-14
  • 顧孝永,「我今天將生命與幸福,死亡與災禍,都擺在你面前: 你要選擇」: 選擇自由與大屠殺之警告」 ,Shoah: How Was It Humanly Possible. Responses from FJCU 大屠殺·人類最惡之時. 輔大座談會,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2021-03-17~2021-03-17
  • 顧孝永,「The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Peking of the 18th and 19th Centuries as an Example of a Long-Term Cooperation between the State and the Church: A Historical Review」 ,International Conference: Conflict, Co-existence or Symbiosis? Religion and Politics, Past and Present 「角力、並存還是共生:宗教與政治的今昔」國際學術研討會,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-11-20~2020-11-21
  • 顧孝永,「• The Impact of Russian Migration on the Historical Development of the Orthodox Church in China: A Historical Review」 ,The Sixteenth Annual Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange: The Movement and Interaction of the Crowd, 16 屆文化交流史:人群的移動與互動國際學術研討會,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-11-13~2020-11-14
  • 顧孝永,「歐洲漢學家對於華人避諱主題的研究」 ,度第十八屆輔仁大學宗教學系碩博士小論文發表會,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-10-24~2020-10-24
  • 顧孝永,「The Orthodox Mission in China and Japan and its Impact on Russian Daoist Studies」 ,Conference Encounter between Christianity and Daoism: Classics, Interpretation and Dialogues 2020 華裔學志國際會議: 基督宗教與道家/道教的會遇:經典、 詮釋與對話,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-09-23~2020-09-24
  • 顧孝永,「• „Nie ma świadectwa bez świadków, tak jak nie ma misji bez misjonarzy“. Wkład polskich misjonarzy w rozwój Kościoła w Chinach od XIII do XXI wieku, na przykładzie Benedykta Polaka, Michała Boyma, Wacława Szuniewicza i Romana Malka.」 ,Sympozjum „Misyjność, chrystologiczną naturą Kościoła”,Lviv,烏克蘭(Ukraine),2020-09-19~2020-09-19
  • 顧孝永,「中世紀狀遊中的兩位基督徒: 波瀾天主教徒與中國景教徒探險新世界 (Two Christians on the Medieval Grand Tour: Polish Catholic and Chinese Nestorian Discovering a New World」 ,華裔學志基督宗教學群微型論壇-越界的文化省思:「壯遊」在基督宗教中的形式與展現,New Taipei City,中華民國(R.O.C),2020-07-27~2020-07-27

  • 顧孝永,Quanren shiming yu shehui liaoyu: Shenyanhui yu Shengshen beinü chuanjiaohui zai Taiwan de jingyan 全人使命與社會療癒聖言會與聖神婢女傳教會在台灣的經驗 Doing Holistic Mission and Social Healing: Mapping the Experience of the SVD and SSpS in Taiwan (New Taipei City : 輔仁大學出版社 , 2023-03-01 )
  • Piotr Adamek and Sonja Huang Mei Tin 黃渼婷 (ed.),見賢思齊繼續奮鬥 : 華裔人魏思齊神父六五壽辰 / Keep up the good fight! : festschrift in honor of Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD on the occasion of his 65th birthday (New Taipei City : Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center , 2022-08-15 )

  • 顧孝永,「Ghost Marriage Ritual in Taiwan and among Chinese as a Way of Healing Family Relationships」,The Key to Forming Good Habits Is to Make Them Part of Your ‘Rituals’. Ritual and Celebration in Family and in Broader Societal Contexts (Baden-Baden : Academia , 2023-07-24 )
  • Piotr Adamek,「Iakinf Bichurin on Religions in China According to His Comprehensive Description of the Chinese Empire」,見賢思齊繼續奮鬥 : 華裔人魏思齊神父六五壽辰 / Keep up the good fight! : festschrift in honor of Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD on the occasion of his 65th birthday (New Taipei City : Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center , 2022-08-15 )
  • 顧孝永,「The First Divine Word Missionaries in Taiwan」,Roman Malek SVD i jego dzieło dla Kościoła w Chinach. Księga Pamiątkowa (Górna Grupa 2021 : Verbinum , 2021-10-20 )
  • 顧孝永,「'Niezłomny promotor wolności religijnej i wymiany kulturowej, sympatyk kultury chińskiej’ – wizyta Kardynała Franciszka Macharskiego w Republice Chińskiej」,Robert Nęcek, Joanna Sobczyk-Pająk (ed.), Kardynał Franciszek Macharski, kultura, media. W 5. rocznicę śmierci Metropolity Krakowskiego (Kraków : Arsarti , 2021-07-01 )
  • 顧孝永,「Muzułmanie i chrześcijanie z Afryki w Chinach」,Chińczycy u siebie i na emigracji (Lublin , 2017 )

  • 顧孝永,「天主教修會對永續發展的貢獻:跨文化研究關於聖言會與聖神婢女傳教會對台灣與波蘭社會影響 (2)」,2023-08-01~2024-07-31,112-2410-H-030-053-
  • 顧孝永,「天主教修會對永續發展的貢獻:跨文化研究關於聖言會與聖神婢女傳教會對台灣與波蘭社會影響」,2022-08-01~2023-07-31,111-2410-H-030-058

  • 顧孝永 ,「指標性期刊論文獎勵」,輔仁大學,110